Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday Maggie!

Time has absolutely flown by! We have been swamped with traveling and preparing for Maggie's little brother Samuel Baker to make his debut the first week of June. But one of the things I was very excited about was planning Maggie's 3rd birthday party. I tend to delay my planning until too late, but this time I planned in advance and it paid off for sure. This was the first year I was able to ask her what she wanted for her birthday party. I pushed the subject of a bounce house and she jumped on it (pun intended...hah) immediately. But as for the rest I asked her what she would like. "What kind of cake would you like Mags?" Maggie replied, "Um yellow cake with chocolate icing and a Minnie Mouse on it." Easy enough right. "What kind of ice cream would you like for your party?" "Strawberry ice cream."  And that was it. I about fell out of my chair. This little person actually told me what she wanted. I did not have to guess or just make the decision myself only to hear a tantrum later that it was not what she wanted. She just told me. We had so much fun at her party. A whole bunch of her friends and family came to celebrate with us. Good times were had by all. As for taking pictures of the fun decor and cake I totally blanked. This part is not my strong suit. But we did snap a few of her having fun. She was all over the place and soaking up the birthday love.

She received a scooter with flowery helmet of course and soccer goals. I had to even out the basketball heat that the Cole side gives her right?

 The princess bounce house


We ended the party with just us opening presents and Momma laying on the couch. Much needed!

So Happy Birthday to our sweet little one! You were the best surprise we could have ever imagined. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Our San Diego Adventure

It has been far too long since we have updated this little blog and there are too many updates to include in one, therefore there will be many posts. You are welcome in advance:) We decided a while ago that before our family of three became four that we would go on a fun trip with our Maggie. San Diego seemed like a fun place because of all of the fun things that we could do. We also thought it would be super fun to have Maggie's Mimi come with us and join in on the fun. So we did! We hit the beach first when we landed and just stared at the ocean... then we froze and got back in the car. It was little gusty but beautiful to look at.


I wasn't sure how being 7 months pregnant would work out in my favor, but it was actually great. I wasn't large enough where walking was tough and that made all the difference. The next place we went was to the San Diego Zoo. We were pumped to see all of the fun animals and explore! Maggie especially loved the baby panda bear and her mama. Mimi commemorated her panda love with a mama and baby panda which definitely made her day!

Tyler and I decided to go on a date and let Mimi have some Maggie time all to herself. I was not sure what this date would hold, but it was awesome. One gondola ride around Coronado and dinner overlooking the bay and I was swooned:) No really we had so much fun! My hubs knows how to love me well!


And the final day of our trip was filled with all the wonder of Disneyland. Tyler and I had been a few years back on our first trip away from Maggie when she was 18 months old, but this was a new kind of fun. The pure joy on Maggie's face watching her meet all the princesses she could imagine was the best. There is something about watching your kids be overwhelmed with joy that brings me back to me knees and praises God for how great He is. If we could rejoice like that daily, it would do nothing but bring God glory. Maggie met Princess Tiana, Mulan, Belle, and Rapunzel. She was a little tired for Flynn Rider, but did her best. I mean lets be honest who is there for the princes. Right? After a fun ride in the tea cups with Mimi and Tyler, carousel spin, and flying dumbo we were wiped. She ended up making it from 11am to almost 9pm. I have no idea how, but she was a champ. We even got to see the fireworks at the end of the day. It was a day that I won't forget and she still hasn't yet.


We flew back to Dallas exhausted from our vacation. I had heard parents say that vacations become tiring and I completely understand now. It was worth every moment of exhaustion and every penny. We can't wait to share many more trips like these with our sweet baby boy so soon!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ah to be a better blogger...

Well my friends it has been a while since this blogging community and seen my writings. They are few, far, and in between, but hopefully this will soon all change. Our blog just received a minor face lift and I am newly motivated to contribute more:) So here we are. Maggie and I are in Birmingham, Alabama awaiting the arrival of sweet baby Frances Adele Howell. Baby Frannie has been the highlight of most of our conversations for the past few months and her grand debut is TOMORROW! We have loved our time so far here in Birmingham and can't wait to celebrate with Big and JoJo tonight. It brings such sweet joy to my heart to be here for Frannie's big day. She is already so loved. The Cole family will be gearing up for a Seaside trip after Frannie is here. Tyler will drive from Plano to Birmingham AL Thursday afternoon. Thats right my friends 10 hours by himself. Don't fret. He will be loaded down with audio books and plenty of energy drinks to power a heavy machine. We can't wait for him to be here too. We will post some pictures of our trip when we get back. Until then!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Humbled over dinner

Sallie had to work last Saturday which left Maggie and I with a full day to spend together. Normally I'm very excited for this time because it's rare and she is at such a cute age right now. We'll usually do something fun like go to the park and swing, or maybe go to Chick-fil-A for daddy dates, or even go on a run. Those opportunities for quality time are always easy and enjoyable. That was before she started cutting two more teeth on the bottom. I think God in His grace allows us to forget the first two or three years of life because of oral pain alone. Bones shifting daily in a sensitive area I must use frequently for survival? No thanks, I appreciate the selective amnesia.

Let's just say it was a LONG day. We had a full slate of runny noses, gross diapers, and one or two more crying spells than nap breaks. By dinner time I was a little tired/annoyed/ready-for-Sallie-to-get-here-asap-so-I-can-lay-down. Several minutes into dinner, Maggie we hit a wall and had this exchange:

Me: Maggie, I need you to finish your chicken and broccoli.

Maggie: No. (pushing food around on her plate)

Me: Yes. See, it's good. Daddy likes it. Yummy!

Maggie: No! (pushing food onto the floor)

Me: Okay, then. If you don't eat your food, you can't have any dessert. What else do you want?

Maggie: Grapes!

Me: No, not until you finish your chicken. Just finish this last bite, then you can have some grapes. (Notice the desperation? I'm trying to barter with a 17 month old)

Maggie: No!!! (Flipping out, and pushing food away)

Me: FINE! No more dinner! (Also flipping out and hastily clearing her plate and stuffing food in Ziploc bags) WHAT DO YOU WANT??

Maggie: (In the smallest, cutest voice you have ever heard) Patient.

Me: What?

Maggie: Patient. Patient.

Whoa. Her response literally floored me. I was amazed that she could remember the times Sallie and I have asked her to be patient, which usually happens when we have our hands full and she wants to read a book or be held. I was even more amazed that she was able to repeat it to me in context and be 100% right about the situation and my behavior. I hit my knees and the conversation continued:

Me: Maggie, you're right. Daddy needs to be more patient with you. Please forgive me for losing my temper.

Maggie: Grape?

Me: Of course. As many as you want. Daddy loves you.

What a conversation! The power of this moment for me hit home as I realized that God has given us a child for reasons beyond what we expect. He's given us a child, not so we can change her into who we want her to be, but so that He can continue to change us into who He wants us to be. God wants all of us to mirror Christ, and to be transformed into His image. He will continually chip away at the rough edges and identify sin in our lives that's been hidden, overlooked, or tolerated. He might even use our children to it. I am happy that we're not chosen as parents so that we can raise children to be moral and productive in society. We're given the responsibility of raising them to be followers of Jesus and fellow heirs to His kingdom.

We have a Father who is faithful and loves us enough not to leave us unchanged or unmoved. God will continually sharpen and test us until the day comes where he gathers to Himself all of his lost children and perfects them forever.

Matthew 11:25 At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Summertime Update

In case you're not from TX, I thought I'd let you know it's extremely hot! Lot of action since our last post, and I'm glad to see that we're being consistent with our blog updates. Averaging about 4 months between posts, but you can take it to the bank!

Maggie's 1st bday was 4/28/2011 but we celebrated pretty much from March to May, and she had no problem finding cake to enjoy!

Check out the sweet new ride she got from our fun neighbors, the Groovers. You can ask her if she wants to go "Beep! Beep!" and she'll run to her car and jump in. So fun.

We had a farewell dinner with a few couples from our community group from church, the Dunns and the Brannens. We were very sad to see them leave (the Dunns to Denver for Preston's job and Brittany's family and the Brannens to Houston for David's job). After spending nearly 2 years living life together as newlyweds in a new city, it's like losing part of our family. Best wishes to our fun friends as they move forward. Check out how excited Maggie was in the pic!

Most recently, we were very blessed to enjoy a dedication service for Maggie at our church on 7/31/11. It was a sweet time with friends and family gathered to support our little girl as she grows in faith. We were able to pray over her and to publicly covenant with the Lord to raise her in a house where she gets to see living examples of how to love God and love others. Thanks to all of our family and friends, both in and out of town, for the love and support. We're so grateful that our sweet girl has so many faithful friends praying for her.

Deut 6:5-9 - Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Brushing all 8 of her teeth!

On the water in Brandon, MS

Spending time w/ mom and Mimi

Yup, it's bluebonnet time in TX.

She's very good at peek-a-boo now!

And, of course, reading at a 9th grade level. Sorry we're such a mess and can't keep the updates coming any faster. It's been a fun, fast, challenging and rewarding year to say the least. We're grateful for all the support and prayers. Maggie's 1st birthday is the 27th and Sallie is busy putting together a fun celebration. We'll be sure to post vids of messy cake soon! Love you all, Tyler & Sallie

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Holiday Greetings

Sorry for the extended absence from the blogosphere. The Coles have been busy and hard at work for the past few months. We enjoyed visiting friends and family over the Thanksgiving holiday. We travelled to Louisville, KY to spend time with the Heards before heading south to Nashville to enjoy an afternoon/evening with the Bakers. We all loved being able to relax and watch plenty of football while gorging ourselves on some serious food and drink. Great times seeing Scott, Katie, and of course cousin Rogers. And we're very excited to spend the Christmas holidays both in Nashville and at home in Texas with the Coles.

Below are a few pics to update you guys on the Coles. Maggie feels so big now, it's very strange. She is cutting another tooth and seriously contemplating the whole crawling thing. We're going to have to keep our eyes out b/c soon she'll be into EVERYTHING.

BTW, if you have any pics that I don't, please share! Hope all is well. Love you all,

Tyler, Sallie, and Mags